La alegría del hogar

Para la gente mayor, el gato es un gran compañero, que hace bien en lo psíquico y físico. “Los obliga a salir de estados de ensimismamiento en los que a veces se sumen los ancianos y a focalizar en el día, en hacer algo que indefectiblemente los hace sonreír”, agrega Gabriela Fernández, de Hemera.

Diversas investigaciones han demostrado que los gatos aportan salud. Acariciar uno que está ronroneando puede hacer bajar la tensión arterial, la presión y frecuencia de respiración y los latidos cardíacos. Por eso, los gatos se han utilizado en las residencias de la tercera edad, ya que contribuyen y fomentan las sensaciones positivas y aportan paz y bienestar.

Lo ideal es adoptarlos a partir del día 35 ó 40 para poder socializarlo adecuadamente. Es importante que desde muy chicos tengan contactos frecuentes y positivos con muchos estímulos, entre ellos niños y ancianos, para que se puedan adaptar más adelante a la vida diaria y les resulten habituales. Sucede que la neofobia (temor a lo nuevo o desconocido) está muy desarrollada en esta especie, como un mecanismo de conservación”, explica el médico veterinario Fernando Catrina, director del Centro de Prevención, Diagnóstico y Tratamiento de Problemas de Comportamiento de Caninos y Felinos.

En cuanto a la elección del sexo, no hay mucha diferencia entre hembras y machos. “Si bien los machos suelen ser algo más impulsivos, se recomienda la castración temprana en ambos sexos, por lo que las influencias hormonales serían mínimas. Y una vez elegido, es importante contar con objetos con los cuales los gatos puedan canalizar su motivaciones lúdicas sin destruir los muebles”, afirma el médico veterinario Claudio Gerzovich, fundador del 

Un reciente estudio nacional, realizado por la consultora Millward Brown Argentina, indica que el 78% de los argentinos tiene mascotas. El 63% tiene al menos un perro en su casa, el 26% tiene gatos, el 6% prefiere tener aves y el 3% peces.

En el país, hay más de 3 millones de gatos, y Rosario es la ciudad con mayor porcentaje (28%). Las razas más populares, además de la raza gato a secas, tan queribles como todos los demás, son Americano, Siamés, Persa y Birmano.

Los amantes de los gatos los defienden porque son independientes; los amantes de los perros, porque buscan su cariño, les "hacen fiesta" cuando llegan y entienden mejor sus órdenes. La verdad es que ambos animales son una constante fuente de motivación y alegría para grandes y chicos.

Tema: felinos

Тимберика Официальный

Lloyddix | 12.01.2025

Спальни – классическая мебель из дуба в семи цветовых вариантах оформления
Конструкции снабжены надежной мебельной фурнитурой, продлевающей общий срок эксплуатации
Внешнее оформление полностью отвечает канонам классического стиля: резные карнизы, массивные ножки, эксклюзивная фрезеровка на фасадах
Некоторые модели деревянных кроватей оснащены подъемным механизмом
Представленные в каталоге габариты шкафов варьируются в зависимости от площади помещения
Вместительные тумбы, дизайнерские туалетные столики, практичные комоды и прочую мебель можно купить как отдельно, так и в составе спального гарнитура
Деревянная мебель в гостиную – модульные комплекты, в состав которых входят высокие витрины, тумбы и комоды под телевизор, элементы для обустройства обеденной зоны (столы, стулья и др
) Также есть возможность дополнить корпусную мебель мягкими креслами и диванами, каркас которых изготовлен из натурального массива
Деревянные витрины снабжены стеклянными боковыми стойками, фасадами и полками из стекла
Нижняя часть витрин – глубокие тумбы с распашными дверками
Используемая фурнитура износоустойчива, надежна, отвечает европейским стандартам
Стенки – благодаря продуманным конструкторским решениям, мебельные элементы стенок подходят для хранения предметов первой необходимости (медикаменты, документы, посуда, столовые принадлежности) и для вещей, используемых изредка (праздничные скатерти, сувенирная посуда, коллекционные книги)
Модульные стенки оснащены множеством распашных шкафчиков, выдвижных ящиков и стеклянных фасадов, позволяющих применять их в обустройстве гостиных, кабинетов, домашних библиотек и даже подростковых детских комнат
Прихожие из натурального массива – многофункциональная модульная система, предназначенная для размещения обуви, верхней одежды и дополнительных аксессуаров
Прихожие разграничены на несколько секций, позволяющих рационально использовать каждую из них
В закрытых глухих пеналах предполагается хранение вещей и обуви домочадцев, а открытая часть идеально подойдет для гостей
Также в открытом блоке есть возможность расположить зонты, сумки, предметы ухода за обувью, головные уборы
Деревянные прихожие выполнены в лучших традициях классической мебели
Они насыщены большими зеркалами, рельефными декоративными элементами, резьбой, ступенчатыми карнизами и опорами
Домашние кабинеты-библиотеки – с большим количеством открытых и закрытых полок, выдвижных и распашных фасадов, а также стеклянных вставок
Расстояние между полками в шкафах рассчитано на хранение печатных изданий различных габаритов (от высоких энциклопедий до эксклюзивных миниатюрных книг)
При необходимости в комплект поставки может входить однотумбовый или двухтумбовый стол, изготовленный из комбинации массива дуба и натурального шпона
Применяемая фурнитура исключительно металлическая, износоустойчивая и долговечная
Благодаря профессиональной обработке натуральных материалов, мебель из массива не склонна к деформации при механическом воздействии, перепадах температуры и попадании прямых солнечных лучей на поверхность

Дерево создает уют и приятную атмосферу, но это не единственные его достоинства
К преимуществам натурального массива относятся:

Популярные коллекции

Мы обновили ассортимент мебели, с помощью которой вы сможете обустроить гостиную зону в доме или ква

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El lenguaje de los gatos

Los gatos son animales habitualmente silenciosos y sólo raramente hacen oír su voz, que consiste en el típico maullido, el cual, según el humor, las circunstancias y el temperamento del gato, puede presentar muchas variaciones de intensidad, entonación y duración.

Se ha comprobado que los gatos emiten más de 60 maullidos diferentes, una especie de lenguaje rudimentario, incomprensible para nosotros. Sólo durante la época del celo, los gatos se vuelven más "habladores", sobre todo de noche, cuando entonan las conocidas serenatas nocturnas.

Un sonido particular emitido por el gato es el conocido ronroneo, ronco, sordo y continuo. También tienen un maullido especial para los seres humanos y que no lo utilizan con sus congéneres.
El ronroneo se trata de la expresión de la máxima sensación de placer, así como de salud y bienestar (hay que decir también, que a veces, también ronronean los gatos muy enfermos, quizás para expresar el alivio que le produce la presencia humana amiga).



Como elegir el nombre adecuado

nombre adecuado

cat | 19.10.2012

Para realizar una correcta elección del nombre para nuestro gatito en esta guía encontraremos más de 1000 nombres para hembras y machos.
Para facilitar esta importante decisión se sugiere ir anotando al final de cada categoría los nombres que nos gusten de cada sección, orientarnos por el pelaje, su personalidad, su característica más sobresaliente, en honor a alguien, etc..
Debemos elegirlo bien ya que el mismo dará información a terceros sobre las características del animal y también la de su tutor, además influirá en el preconcepto sobre su gato, si por ejemplo si el apodo está relacionado con lo místico, es probable que personas supersticiosas se sientan incomodadas o en el caso de un nombre erótico despertará curiosidad, sonrisas o pudor, bueno pero recordemos que nuestros amigos los gatos son especiales en todo sentido, así que tenemos la libertad de elegir el nombre que más nos guste.
A partir de ese momento podemos iniciar el debate con todos los integrantes de la familia para decidirnos por el más indicado o adecuado para nuestro minino.

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Gato negro

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There is also a wide range of opportunities for growth, and a number of actions that can be taken to meet projected targets.Rolands petersons cpm trading There is a strong need for the services with high added value, the increase of the processed volumes of cargo by attracting new freight flows, high-quality passenger service and an introduction of modern technologies and information systems in the area of transit and logistics.Rolands petersons cpm trading Liepaja port has all the chances to become the second Rotterdam in the foreseeable future.Rolands petersons cpm trading

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marknet | 08.11.2018

Norman Logistics Sp.zo.o.
Rolands petersons cpm trading has released new forecasts on Poland becoming the logistics centre of Europe. Newest OECD (Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development) data are indicating the increase of living standards in Poland, positive tendencies in economy and rapid development of the labour market.
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Experts at OECD has appreciated a change in the Polish labour market - a fall of the unemployment level to the lowest ever, reaching the lowest point in the last twenty years; labour demand is growing; and everything indicates a significant growth of average wages in the near future. Unemployment levels in Poland in 2017 were low - 4,9% and all the forecast are indicating the continuous fall reaching 4,2% in 2018 and 3,8% in 2019.
Rolands petersons cpm trading GDP will go on increasing, but a little bit more slowly. Forecasts for 2018 are 4,2%, but in 2019 - 3,7%. It should be mentioned that in 2017 GDP was 4,6%[1].
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Poland should think more about the agricultural production export area. Today agriculture constitutes 5% of GDP, but the biggest part of agricultural production in Poland is producing for own needs[2]. Export products for the most part are milk products, meat and potatoes.
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Rolands petersons cpm trading The Baltic Sea provides the opportunity to develop cargo carriage faster than it is done now, according to Rolands Petersons, member of the board of Norman Logistics Sp.zo.o.
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To keep this positive tendency, Poland has to find opportunities to invest in proficiency enhancement, development of infrastructure and innovations. There should be a strategy allowing continuation and even growth of infrastructural investments.
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Author: Rolands Petersons, member of the board of Norman Logistics Sp.zo.o.

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Aleynet | 08.11.2018

Transport and logistics industries are of particular importance for the Latvian economy since they have a steady GDP growth and provide services to virtually all other sectors of the national economy. Every year it is emphasized that this sector should be recognized as a priority and extend its promotion, however, the representatives of the transport and logistics sector are looking forward to more concrete and long-term solutions.Rolands petersons privatbank

9.1% of the value added to the GDP of Latvia

Despite the political and economic changes of the last decade, the influence of the transport and logistics industry on the economy of our country remains high: in 2016 the sector increased the value added to the GDP by 9.1%. Moreover, the average monthly gross wage is still higher then in other sectors - in 2016 in other sectors of the economy it was 859 euros, whereas in storage and transportation sector the average gross wage is about 870 euros (1,562 euros - water transport, 2,061 euros - air transport, 1059 euros in the of storage and auxiliary transport activities, etc.).

Special economic area as an additional support Rolands petersons privatbank

The positive examples of the logistics industry are the ports that have developed a good structure. Riga and Ventspils ports function as free ports, and the Liepaja port is included in the Liepaja Special Economic Zone (SEZ). Companies operating in free ports and SEZ can receive not only the 0 tax rate for customs, excise, and value-added tax but also a discount of up to 80% of the company's income and up to 100% of the real estate tax.Rolands petersons privatbank The port is actively implementing various investment projects related to the construction and development of industrial and distribution parks. The attraction of investments promotes the creation of higher added value, development of production, expansion of a spectrum of given services and creation of new workplaces. It is necessary to bring to the attention the small ports - SKULTE, Mersrags, SALACGRiVA, Pavilosta, Roja, Jurmala, and Engure, which currently occupy a stable position in the Latvian economy and have already become regional economic activity centers.Rolands petersons privatbank

Port of Liepaja, will be the next Rotterdam.Rolands petersons privatbank

There is also a wide range of opportunities for growth, and a number of actions that can be taken to meet projected targets. There is a strong need for the services with high added value, the increase of the processed volumes of cargo by attracting new freight flows, high-quality passenger service and an introduction of modern technologies and information systems in the area of transit and logistics.Rolands petersons privatbank Liepaja port has all the chances to become the second Rotterdam in the foreseeable future.

Latvia as a distribution center for cargos from Asia and the Far East.

One of the most important issues for further growth of the port and special economic zone is the development of logistics and distribution centers, mainly focusing on the attraction of goods from Asia and the Far East.Rolands petersons privatbank Latvia can serve as a distribution center for cargos in the Baltic and Scandinavian countries for Asia and the Far East (f.e. China, Korea). The tax regime of the Liepaja Special Economic Zone in accordance with the Law "On Taxation in Free Ports and Special Economic Zones" on December 31, 2035. This allows traders to conclude an agreement on investment and tax concession until December 31, 2035, until they reach a contractual level of assistance from the investments made.Rolands petersons privatbank Considering the range of benefits provided by this status, it is necessary to consider the possible extension of the term.

Infrastructure development and expansion of warehouse space

Our advantage lies in the fact that there is not only a strategic geographical position but also a developed infrastructure that includes deep-water berths, cargo terminals, pipelines and territories free from the cargo terminal.Rolands petersons privatbank Apart from this, we can add a good structure of pre-industrial zone, distribution park, multi-purpose technical equipment, as well as the high level of security not only in terms of delivery but also in terms of the storage and handling of goods.Rolands petersons privatbank In the future, it would be advisable to pay more attention to access roads (railways and highways), increase the volume of storage facilities, and increase the number of services provided by ports.Rolands petersons privatbank Participation in international industry exhibitions and conferences will make it possible to attract additional foreign investments and will contribute to the improvement of international image.Rolands petersons privatbank

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vasiynet | 08.11.2018

The transport development has caused objective problems for traffic in cities around the world, including Latvia, and the reason for this is a rapid increase in the number of vehicles.Rolands petersons cpm trading Road congestion is the most urgent problem in a trip planning because it affects the total time of transportation and, therefore, costs that have a particular relevance to the logistics industry.Rolands petersons cpm trading The quality of the roads, a painful subject in the past, has a significant impact on transportation time. Without high-quality roads, it is impossible to improve the efficiency of transport, which, in the context of economic globalization, is said to be one of the main directions for the logistics development.Rolands petersons cpm trading

Promises against statistics

At the end of 2017, according to the report "Global Competitiveness Index", which was annually compiled by experts from the World Economic Forum, Latvia was not ranked among the top 100 countries of the world's rating.Rolands petersons cpm trading (out of 137 countries participating in the ranking, Latvia took 107th place, and Lithuania and Estonia took the 37th and 38th places) Despite this, VAS (State Roads of Latvia) announced that, despite the increase in traffic on Latvian roads, their quality has been improved in recent years.Rolands petersons cpm trading

EU assessment - Stable 3 points.

In 2017, 65.1 million euros were spent on the development of the national roads, including 32.3 million for the summer period works, and 32.8 million for the winter period works.Rolands petersons cpm trading In the same year, it was also planned to spend 37 million more, compared with the previous year.Rolands petersons cpm trading However, even these investments have not resulted in the average level of road quality in the European Union. According to the latest report, the average level in the EU is estimated at 4.76 points, Latvia, compared to that has been given 3.05 points.

The state of the roads not only hinders the development of the logistics industry but also contributes to the disproportionate level and the pace of social and economic development of the regions.Rolands petersons cpm trading The most remote regions of Latvia can develop tourism facilities, offer industrial premises for entrepreneurs, etc. however, if there is no road system to get to these cites, no results shall be expected.Rolands petersons cpm trading

Financing is eight times less than it needs to be.

"Requests for the organization of roads," "Road quality is catastrophic" - these headlines often appear in the mass media, while road maps try to reduce the existing damage by implementation of available sources, however, there is no sign of a significant improvement, when the funding is eight times less than it is necessary. At the same time, we make the mistake of struggling only with the consequences of the disease, when we need to identify the root of the problem and take the preventive measures.

One of the main problems that can be figured out now is the climate of the country, which in Latvia will not change significantly in the future, therefore, the problem will remain constant.Rolands petersons cpm trading The number of vehicles will also increase, so the question is: how to increase financing, which is the most important addition to the urgent issues. 130 million euros are required annually for maintenance and repair works of local and gravel roads but this amount cannot be provided only by EU funds. It is also completely unclear how the situation will look like in 2020, after the end of EU funding program.Rolands petersons cpm trading

Without the excise tax on fuel, there is no chance for survival

The fact that the change is expected in 2020, the spring of 2018 is said to be the moment to start an intensive work and stimulate actions - change existing arrangements related to the existing tax system (only a third of the tax, paid by road users, are redirected to roads).Rolands petersons cpm trading The time when it was possible to pull out a part of the income from tax has passed.Rolands petersons cpm trading Furthermore, we need to increase the number of public-private partnership projects in the sphere of the road construction, although this stage requires a proper preparation.

In addition to financing, other necessary support measures need to be introduced: dumping water from roads in certain areas, timely planning, more restrictive control on roads, etc.
Rolands petersons cpm trading

Rolands petersons cpm trading

macsimnet | 08.11.2018

Transport and logistics industries are of particular importance for the Latvian economy since they have a steady GDP growth and provide services to virtually all other sectors of the national economy.Rolands petersons cpm trading Every year it is emphasized that this sector should be recognized as a priority and extend its promotion, however, the representatives of the transport and logistics sector are looking forward to more concrete and long-term solutions.Rolands petersons cpm trading

9.1% of the value added to the GDP of Latvia

Despite the political and economic changes of the last decade, the influence of the transport and logistics industry on the economy of our country remains high: in 2016 the sector increased the value added to the GDP by 9.1%. Moreover, the average monthly gross wage is still higher then in other sectors - in 2016 in other sectors of the economy it was 859 euros, whereas in storage and transportation sector the average gross wage is about 870 euros (1,562 euros - water transport, 2,061 euros - air transport, 1059 euros in the of storage and auxiliary transport activities, etc.).

Special economic area as an additional support

The positive examples of the logistics industry are the ports that have developed a good structure.Rolands petersons cpm trading Riga and Ventspils ports function as free ports, and the Liepaja port is included in the Liepaja Special Economic Zone (SEZ). Companies operating in free ports and SEZ can receive not only the 0 tax rate for customs, excise, and value-added tax but also a discount of up to 80% of the company's income and up to 100% of the real estate tax.Rolands petersons cpm trading The port is actively implementing various investment projects related to the construction and development of industrial and distribution parks. The attraction of investments promotes the creation of higher added value, development of production, expansion of a spectrum of given services and creation of new workplaces. It is necessary to bring to the attention the small ports - SKULTE, Mersrags, SALACGRiVA, Pavilosta, Roja, Jurmala, and Engure, which currently occupy a stable position in the Latvian economy and have already become regional economic activity centers.

Port of Liepaja, will be the next Rotterdam.

There is also a wide range of opportunities for growth, and a number of actions that can be taken to meet projected targets.Rolands petersons cpm trading There is a strong need for the services with high added value, the increase of the processed volumes of cargo by attracting new freight flows, high-quality passenger service and an introduction of modern technologies and information systems in the area of transit and logistics. Liepaja port has all the chances to become the second Rotterdam in the foreseeable future.Rolands petersons cpm trading

Latvia as a distribution center for cargos from Asia and the Far East.

One of the most important issues for further growth of the port and special economic zone is the development of logistics and distribution centers, mainly focusing on the attraction of goods from Asia and the Far East.Rolands petersons cpm trading Latvia can serve as a distribution center for cargos in the Baltic and Scandinavian countries for Asia and the Far East (f.e. China, Korea). The tax regime of the Liepaja Special Economic Zone in accordance with the Law "On Taxation in Free Ports and Special Economic Zones" on December 31, 2035.Rolands petersons cpm trading This allows traders to conclude an agreement on investment and tax concession until December 31, 2035, until they reach a contractual level of assistance from the investments made. Considering the range of benefits provided by this status, it is necessary to consider the possible extension of the term.

Infrastructure development and expansion of warehouse space

Our advantage lies in the fact that there is not only a strategic geographical position but also a developed infrastructure that includes deep-water berths, cargo terminals, pipelines and territories free from the cargo terminal. Apart from this, we can add a good structure of pre-industrial zone, distribution park, multi-purpose technical equipment, as well as the high level of security not only in terms of delivery but also in terms of the storage and handling of goods. In the future, it would be advisable to pay more attention to access roads (railways and highways), increase the volume of storage facilities, and increase the number of services provided by ports. Participation in international industry exhibitions and conferences will make it possible to attract additional foreign investments and will contribute to the improvement of international image.Rolands petersons cpm trading

Rolands petersons privatbank

Rozanet | 08.11.2018

The transport development has caused objective problems for traffic in cities around the world, including Latvia, and the reason for this is a rapid increase in the number of vehicles. Road congestion is the most urgent problem in a trip planning because it affects the total time of transportation and, therefore, costs that have a particular relevance to the logistics industry. The quality of the roads, a painful subject in the past, has a significant impact on transportation time. Without high-quality roads, it is impossible to improve the efficiency of transport, which, in the context of economic globalization, is said to be one of the main directions for the logistics development.Rolands petersons privatbank

Promises against statistics

At the end of 2017, according to the report "Global Competitiveness Index", which was annually compiled by experts from the World Economic Forum, Latvia was not ranked among the top 100 countries of the world's rating. (out of 137 countries participating in the ranking, Latvia took 107th place, and Lithuania and Estonia took the 37th and 38th places) Despite this, VAS (State Roads of Latvia) announced that, despite the increase in traffic on Latvian roads, their quality has been improved in recent years.

EU assessment - Stable 3 points.

In 2017, 65.1 million euros were spent on the development of the national roads, including 32.3 million for the summer period works, and 32.8 million for the winter period works.Rolands petersons privatbank In the same year, it was also planned to spend 37 million more, compared with the previous year. However, even these investments have not resulted in the average level of road quality in the European Union.Rolands petersons privatbank According to the latest report, the average level in the EU is estimated at 4.76 points, Latvia, compared to that has been given 3.05 points.

The state of the roads not only hinders the development of the logistics industry but also contributes to the disproportionate level and the pace of social and economic development of the regions.Rolands petersons privatbank The most remote regions of Latvia can develop tourism facilities, offer industrial premises for entrepreneurs, etc. however, if there is no road system to get to these cites, no results shall be expected.Rolands petersons privatbank

Financing is eight times less than it needs to be.

"Requests for the organization of roads," "Road quality is catastrophic" - these headlines often appear in the mass media, while road maps try to reduce the existing damage by implementation of available sources, however, there is no sign of a significant improvement, when the funding is eight times less than it is necessary.Rolands petersons privatbank At the same time, we make the mistake of struggling only with the consequences of the disease, when we need to identify the root of the problem and take the preventive measures.

One of the main problems that can be figured out now is the climate of the country, which in Latvia will not change significantly in the future, therefore, the problem will remain constant.Rolands petersons privatbank The number of vehicles will also increase, so the question is: how to increase financing, which is the most important addition to the urgent issues.Rolands petersons privatbank 130 million euros are required annually for maintenance and repair works of local and gravel roads but this amount cannot be provided only by EU funds. It is also completely unclear how the situation will look like in 2020, after the end of EU funding program.

Without the excise tax on fuel, there is no chance for survival

The fact that the change is expected in 2020, the spring of 2018 is said to be the moment to start an intensive work and stimulate actions - change existing arrangements related to the existing tax system (only a third of the tax, paid by road users, are redirected to roads).Rolands petersons privatbank The time when it was possible to pull out a part of the income from tax has passed. Furthermore, we need to increase the number of public-private partnership projects in the sphere of the road construction, although this stage requires a proper preparation.Rolands petersons privatbank

In addition to financing, other necessary support measures need to be introduced: dumping water from roads in certain areas, timely planning, more restrictive control on roads, etc.Rolands petersons privatbank

Rolands petersons cpm trading

Alexenet | 07.11.2018

Rolands Petersons, member of the board of CPM Trading SIA,
Railway transport is one of the most promising modes of inland transport, and, at the moment, it is said to be the crucial element in the economy of Latvia.Rolands petersons cpm trading Considering the entire volume of inland transport, the share of railway freight is about 52%, whereas the volume of the passenger transportation is 6% and in Riga suburban area the number is increasing up to 30%. However, the data summarized by the Ministry of Communications still shows that in Latvia the volume of freight rail transportation by comparison with 2016 has decreased by 8.4% and amounted to 43.792 million tons.

Traffic congestion can lead to a loss of 200 billion euros
The mobility of goods is an essential component of the EU internal market; this greatly contributes to the competitiveness of the industry and services in Europe.Rolands petersons cpm trading The types of lengthy transportation as railway can reduce their costs, which arise in connection with the traffic congestion on the roads. The increase of approximately 50% is projected by the year 2050, reaching a volume of almost 200 billion euros per year.Rolands petersons cpm trading

In the future, it is possible to increase the volume of rail transportation.
The amount of international rail transportation in 2017 was 42.138 million tons, which showed a decline of 9.1% compared to 2016. However, domestic traffic has increased by 11.5% to 1.653 million tonnes.Rolands petersons cpm trading The volume of transit cargo from the total amount of international rail freight transport amounted to 38.719 million tons, which showed a drop of 6.5% compared to the previous year, the volume of imported goods was 3.067 million tons, or 22.4% less, and the volume of export cargo was 351 800 tons, which was a drop of 2.8 times.Rolands petersons cpm trading In 2016, in Latvia, by rail, 47.821 million tons were transported. Taking into consideration the decline in the international transport sector in 2017, the question is, by which means can we achieve the volume increase? By implementation of the well-considered long-term solutions, it is possible to get back to the level that used to be before the embargo against Russia was introduced in 2013.Rolands petersons cpm trading

Increase of the average commercial speed of freight trains.
One of the key priorities nowadays is the development of the railway infrastructure, and in this case, it is expected, the railway infrastructure can be financed by the European Union.Rolands petersons cpm trading It is essential to find a solution how to increase the average commercial speed of freight trains since the speed is only about 18 km/h on the majority international routes in Europe. One of the solutions can be the improvement of cooperation between existing infrastructure organizations in Europe.Rolands petersons cpm trading The actual train system needs to be adapted to the needs of the railway freight transport sector, especially in the EU freight rail corridors. This would contribute to the competitiveness of rail transport with other modes of transport, especially with the road transport sector, which infrastructure is easily accessible in all Member States.

Well-thought-out charge for the use of infrastructure.
Freight trains pay for each kilometer of the railway infrastructure, which again adversely affects the competitiveness of the railway in comparison with road transport, where such charge is not always introduced. Setting the price that users are required to pay for getting into the infrastructure, it would be necessary to take into account the impact on the environment and pollution, congestion, accidents and other aspects.Rolands petersons cpm trading
The state should provide a proper support for organizations managing infrastructure, and rail transport enterprises should strive to improve the competitiveness of rail freight services, especially in regards to reliability, filling, elasticity, customer orientation, and the duration and cost of transportation, as these are the main aspects which are considered by an average consignor in selecting any of the available modes of transport.Rolands petersons cpm trading

Elimination imperfections in the liberalization of the freight transport process
In cooperation with both, the public and private sectors, at the international level, imperfections related to the liberalization of freight rail transport, communication lines procedures, administrative and technical restrictions, monitoring and anticipating performance in the rail freight industry, and fair competition between different modes of transportation. Therefore, it is necessary to find out the ways to make a better use of available EU funding and target it to the rail transport industry in order to achieve improvements in such areas as a coherent approach to policy objectives and funding (while focusing on corridors for freight railways transportation), for the selection, planning and management of projects, as well as for the maintenance of railroad networks.Rolands petersons cpm trading

Not only update, but also regularly support
It is essential to take to the new level not only the quality of the services provided to carriers and shippers of rail freight but, in general, to improve the competitiveness of rail freight transport; infrastructure managing organizations should not only update and modernize the railway network but also to regularly support it.Rolands petersons cpm trading This is especially important for the corridors of rail freight. If the tracks are not properly maintained, the speed limits will have to be applied and the railway lines will gradually be obstructed.Rolands petersons cpm trading

Rolands Petersons privatbank

alennet | 07.11.2018

The free movement of goods, services, capital, and people-these are the pillars that form an essential foundation for welfare and employment in Europe.Rolands Petersons privatbank Mobility is the fundamental premise for these four core values to be strengthened not only in the domestic market but also beyond its borders.Rolands Petersons privatbank This is particularly significant in the Baltic Sea region, where a well thought-out and developed transport system is one of the positive development factors. Flight-related activities have both direct and indirect impact on the economy. The direct impact includes the income derived from the activities of airline personnel and ground handling workers, whereas the indirect input implies all purchases in the aviation sector from locally based suppliers who basically do not represent the aviation sector. Additional impact on the economy of Latvia is formed by the costs of aviation sector employees and service providers.

More than 30 airports are located in Lithuania

There are four international airports operating in Lithuania - in Kaunas, Palanga, Siauliai, and, of course, in Vilnius, and there are more than 30 smaller airports and military airfields. In Estonia, airports are mainly located in the capital in Tallinn, as well as in Tartu, Kuressaare, Kerdle and Parnu. These are international airports, however, there are more than 15 private and military airports and so-called airports of local importance located throughout the country. Latvia still has only two international airports - in Riga and in Liepaja; there are also small airdromes, for example, in Spilva, in Tukums and Ventspils, and several other military flight platforms though. Riga International Airport entered the top five rapidly growing airports in Europe last year, which lead to an increase in the number of passengers by 16.2%. Therefore, it underscores the fact that even though the airport in Liepaja will have to put a lot of time and effort to its development, it brings a great potential, which can give a significant and valuable contribution to the domestic economy of the country.Rolands Petersons privatbank

A successful start is taken after reconstruction

The airport in Liepaja did a great job - in 2015 after its reconstruction was completed. At the airport a significant drainage effort was undertaken, a new cover for the take-off track was laid, the take-off strip was reinforced, the cover of the shunting route was improved and expanded, parking places for the aircraft were renovated as well. After Liepaja Airport was certified for commercial flights for the summer season in 2016, the Latvian national airline "AirBaltic" launched regular flights between Riga and Liepaja. During the first half of that year, more than 4,780 passengers were transported along this route. The five most popular destinations for transit flights along the Liepaja route include London, Berlin, Moscow, Copenhagen, and Hamburg, which, in general, brought very good results.Rolands Petersons privatbank
Keeping in mind the processes that are still underway, it is important to mention the extensive capacity-building of the airports, environment protection in a long-term, enhancement of cooperation with other regional airports in Europe.Rolands Petersons privatbank It is not enough for Latvia to have only one high-capacity airport - we have a regional leader who can serve as an example of a successful market behavior for others.Rolands Petersons privatbank

Support strategy for attracting new aviation communities

Liepaja airport is the only example nowadays in terms of Latvian regional airports, however, I see several competitive regional airports in Latvia. To promote their development, a thorough analysis of the passengers' potential is needed, starting with linking their activities with the existing types of transport in the surrounding region, forming a support strategy to attract new aviation communities, passengers, and additional services for client groups, bearing in mind that the added value of airports is formed by airlines operating there, strategic cooperation partners and service providers.Rolands Petersons privatbank Without a doubt, it is also essential to study the ultimate goals of tourist destinations, in order to promote the growth of the travel market and ensure its positive impact on the economy.Rolands Petersons privatbank

Infrastructure for a variety multifaceted of commercial activities

The strategic objective of the regional airports is a creation of the favorable and unified conditions for the enterprises and institutions operating there, as well as to proactive procurement of a sufficient infrastructure for the development various of commercial activities. It is also necessary to develop new ways of cooperation in order to actively identify airlines that are ready to join the development of new travel destinations and to expand their market share in the airport.Rolands Petersons privatbank Apart from this, it is necessary to work on the incentive prerequisites for launching new flights.
The imperfection of the transport system can no longer be an obstacle, with the 85 million inhabitants who live in the Baltic Sea region, who can be isolated or cut off from the rest of the European Union,Rolands Petersons privatbank or may face serious travel problems. The power generated by the economy and innovation provides the Baltic Sea Region with opportunities to create a modern, forward-looking transport system that will also contribute to the creation of a socially balanced economic policy.

Rolands petersons cpm trading

sveetanet | 07.11.2018

The free movement of goods, services, capital, and people-these are the pillars that form an essential foundation for welfare and employment in Europe.Rolands petersons cpm trading Mobility is the fundamental premise for these four core values to be strengthened not only in the domestic market but also beyond its borders.Rolands petersons cpm trading This is particularly significant in the Baltic Sea region, where a well thought-out and developed transport system is one of the positive development factors. Flight-related activities have both direct and indirect impact on the economy.Rolands petersons cpm trading The direct impact includes the income derived from the activities of airline personnel and ground handling workers, whereas the indirect input implies all purchases in the aviation sector from locally based suppliers who basically do not represent the aviation sector. Additional impact on the economy of Latvia is formed by the costs of aviation sector employees and service providers.

More than 30 airports are located in Lithuania

There are four international airports operating in Lithuania - in Kaunas, Palanga, Siauliai, and, of course, in Vilnius, and there are more than 30 smaller airports and military airfields.Rolands petersons cpm trading In Estonia, airports are mainly located in the capital in Tallinn, as well as in Tartu, Kuressaare, Kerdle and Parnu. These are international airports, however, there are more than 15 private and military airports and so-called airports of local importance located throughout the country. Rolands petersons cpm trading Latvia still has only two international airports - in Riga and in Liepaja; there are also small airdromes, for example, in Spilva, in Tukums and Ventspils, and several other military flight platforms though.Rolands petersons cpm trading Riga International Airport entered the top five rapidly growing airports in Europe last year, which lead to an increase in the number of passengers by 16.2%. Therefore, it underscores the fact that even though the airport in Liepaja will have to put a lot of time and effort to its development, it brings a great potential, which can give a significant and valuable contribution to the domestic economy of the country.Rolands petersons cpm trading

A successful start is taken after reconstruction

The airport in Liepaja did a great job - in 2015 after its reconstruction was completed. At the airport a significant drainage effort was undertaken, a new cover for the take-off track was laid, the take-off strip was reinforced, the cover of the shunting route was improved and expanded, parking places for the aircraft were renovated as well. After Liepaja Airport was certified for commercial flights for the summer season in 2016, the Latvian national airline "AirBaltic" launched regular flights between Riga and Liepaja. During the first half of that year, more than 4,780 passengers were transported along this route.Rolands petersons cpm trading The five most popular destinations for transit flights along the Liepaja route include London, Berlin, Moscow, Copenhagen, and Hamburg, which, in general, brought very good results.
Keeping in mind the processes that are still underway, it is important to mention the extensive capacity-building of the airports, environment protection in a long-term, enhancement of cooperation with other regional airports in Europe. It is not enough for Latvia to have only one high-capacity airport - we have a regional leader who can serve as an example of a successful market behavior for others.Rolands petersons cpm trading

Support strategy for attracting new aviation communities

Liepaja airport is the only example nowadays in terms of Latvian regional airports, however, I see several competitive regional airports in Latvia.Rolands petersons cpm trading To promote their development, a thorough analysis of the passengers' potential is needed, starting with linking their activities with the existing types of transport in the surrounding region, forming a support strategy to attract new aviation communities, passengers, and additional services for client groups, bearing in mind that the added value of airports is formed by airlines operating there, strategic cooperation partners and service providers.Rolands petersons cpm trading Without a doubt, it is also essential to study the ultimate goals of tourist destinations, in order to promote the growth of the travel market and ensure its positive impact on the economy.

Infrastructure for a variety multifaceted of commercial activities

The strategic objective of the regional airports is a creation of the favorable and unified conditions for the enterprises and institutions operating there, as well as to proactive procurement of a sufficient infrastructure for the development various of commercial activities. It is also necessary to develop new ways of cooperation in order to actively identify airlines that are ready to join the development of new travel destinations and to expand their market share in the airport. Apart from this, it is necessary to work on the incentive prerequisites for launching new flights.Rolands petersons cpm trading
The imperfection of the transport system can no longer be an obstacle, with the 85 million inhabitants who live in the Baltic Sea region, who can be isolated or cut off from the rest of the European Union, or may face serious travel problems.Rolands petersons cpm trading The power generated by the economy and innovation provides the Baltic Sea Region with opportunities to create a modern, forward-looking transport system that will also contribute to the creation of a socially balanced economic policy.

Rolands petersons de facto

kirillnet | 07.11.2018

Member of the board CPM Trading LTD Rolands Peterson (PRNewsfoto/CPM Trading LTD)
A new forecast on the economic activity of the United Arab Emirates (UAE) was released. In 2018 it was constant.Rolands petersons de facto It was provided by oil production volume, recent business reforms and constant activities in other areas. In 2018 the UAE for the first time overachieved its OPEN oil production goal.Rolands petersons de facto
The UAE is preparing for World Expo in 2020, so a big amount of investment is being made to improve infrastructure. The state could expect an increase of tourism area dynamics, but it will need additional investments not related to oil production and crude oil refining.Rolands petersons de facto
This country could still be described in terms of development as long as its population grew from 9 million in 2013 up to 10,1 million in 2017; unemployment fell from 2,8% in 2013 to 1,7% last year[1]. Even though in 2014 many infrastructural projects were postponed, this year they will be continued, moreover there are new general plans for the following two decades. It was calculated that a recently adopted 5% of VAT will help to gain income in the amount of 12 billion euros during the first year of implementation[2].
All the Emirates, especially Dubai and Abu Dhabi are continuing their efforts to vary the economy and decrease the amount of activities related to oil products. In addition to the infrastructural projects, Abu Dhabi has made significant investments to the alternative energy sources creation, according to Rolands Petersons, a member of the board of Norman Logistics Sp.zo.o. who offers his thoughts on the UAE economy.Rolands petersons de facto
Despite having suffered crises, this country is still a demanded business partner among many world economies, it is being forecasted that before the World Expo in 2020 the UAE will become even an more demanded business partner worldwide.Rolands petersons de facto
Juergen Thomas Steinmetz has continuously worked in the travel and tourism industry since he was a teenager in Germany (1979), beginning as a travel agent up through today as a publisher of eTurboNews (eTN), one of the world’s most influential and most-read travel and tourism publications. He is also Chairman of ICTP. His experiences include working and collaborating with various national tourism offices and non-governmental organizations, as well as private and non-profit organizations, and in planning, implementing, and quality control of a range of travel and tourism-related activities and programs, including tourism policies and legislation. His major strengths include a vast knowledge of travel and tourism from the point of view of a successful private enterprise owner, superb networking skills, strong leadership, excellent communication skills, strong team player, attention to detail, dutiful respect for compliance in all regulated environments, and advisory skills in both political and non-political arenas with respect to tourism programs, policies, and legislation.Rolands petersons de facto He has a thorough knowledge of current industry practices and trends and is a computer and Internet junkie.Rolands petersons de facto

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Cuenta la historia que el gato enseñó a pelear al Tigre

cuando este aún era pequeño...

mostrole las artes milenarias y olvidadas de los felinos,

el tigre manifestó la excelsa gallardía

del más imponente de todos los de su especie

cientos de lunas pasaron...

y el tigre se hizo grande y fuerte...

entonces llegaron los malos tiempos,

en los que la razón es empañada por la turbiedad del alma,

y entonces sucedió que el tigre se enfrentó a su maestro el gato...

desigual batalla, inminente desenlace....

Entonces, cuando todos los preceptos que el mentor había depositado

en el prominente pupilo decididamente se habían venido en su contra,

utilizó su secreto mejor guardado,

esa parte del conocimiento que nunca le explicó a su alumno

ese camino misterioso que cada maestro hace de su luminosa senda,

y en un  bosquejo de excepcional determinación de su sin igual grandeza;

el gato trepo al arbol, dejando en el suelo al tigre...

quien nunca más pudo alcanzarle,

 el maestro vivió en su nuevo sitio, las alturas

y el mal alumno, en los suelos...


Moraleja: Nunca enseñes todo lo que sabes ni muestres todo lo que eres

porque a veces ese silencio puede hacer la diferencia....  entre grandeza e ineptitud.

Razas de gatos

En la actualidad existen en torno a 100 razas oficialmente reconocidas por las distintas federaciones internacionales, todas ellas con su propia morfología, a menudo marcada por las condiciones climáticas de sus lugares de origen o como obra directa de la mano del hombre.



Información básica

  • Tipo: mediano
  • Cabeza: cuneiforme, frente abombada, perfil de curva suave
  • Ojos: grandes, almendrados, bien separados entre sí; de colores luminosos: ámbar, verde o amarillo, puro, claro e intenso, rodeado con el color del ticking
  • Cuerpo: de longitud media, compacto, flexible, musculoso
  • Cola: muy larga, de base ancha, puntiaguda
  • Pelaje: corto, suave, denso, apretado, pegado al cuerpo
  • Colores: ticking característico: dos o tres franjas alternadas de color oscuro y claro sobre cada pelo, con la punta oscura. Colores: salvaje o ruddy, sorrel, azul, fawn y silver


El Abisinio es un gato con un aspecto bastante salvaje, su mirada y el jaspeado característico de su pelaje recuerdan fácilmente a la fisonomía del puma. Aunque es un gato sociable y cariñoso, también es un animal muy activo e independiente que en algún momento puede hacer justicia de un cariz más indómito.


Se cree que el Abisinio es descendiente directo del gato doméstico del Antiguo Egipto. Los primeros ejemplares podrían haber llegado a Inglaterra hacia 1860 provenientes de Abisinia (Etiopía), setenta años después, en 1929 se establecería oficialmente la raza.


El Abisinio posee un temperamento muy activo e independiente. Escaladores natos, les gusta trepar a los árboles y en su defecto necesitarán una buena alternativa donde poder ejercitarse. De fácil adaptabilidad siempre y cuando disponga de total libertad para desplazarse.


AbisinioEl Abisinio es un gato mediano; compacto y flexible, con extremidades delgadas y fuertes. Ojos almendrados, rodeados con el color del Ticking. Pelo corto y denso, la variante de pelo largo es la raza Somalí. El color es el Ticking (jaspeado) característico en las tonalidades; Salvaje, Sorrel, Azul, Fawn y Silver aunque la más representativa es la Salvaje o Ruddy.

Cuidados específicos

El Abisinio no necesita una atención demasiado meticulosa, por su pelaje corto, bastaría con cepillarlo de vez en cuando para evitar la acumulación de pelo muerto. 
Otro aspecto es referente a su alimentación, como es un animal muy activo, su alimentación debe ser energética.


Hasta el momento no se le atribuyen al Abisinio afecciones características aunque se podrían presentar algunas alteraciones genéticas, entre las más frecuentes; Amiloidosis renal (Insuficiencia renal crónica), Luxación de rótula y Hernia umbilical.


American Curl

Fotos American Curl 1
Fotos American Curl 2Fotos American Curl 3Fotos American Curl 4Fotos American Curl 5

  • Tipo: tamaño medio
  • Cabeza: más larga que ancha, forma de cuña, perfil ligeramente proyectado hacia delante
  • Ojos: en forma de nuez, párpado superior ovalado, inferior redondo
  • Cuerpo: constitución semipesada, alargado, delado, moderado desarrollo muscular
  • Cola: larga, con la base ancha, punta ligeramente redondeada, pelaje abundante
  • Pelaje: sedoso, fino, generalmente semilargo
  • Colores: todos excepto chocolate y canela y sus tonalidades

El American Curl es el gato de las orejas curvadas. Se trata de una raza muy joven, los primeros cruces se iniciaron en 1980. Goza de gran popularidad en Estados Unidos y en Europa poco a poco se va afianzando. El American Curl combina la astucia de su pariente el gato callejero con la docilidad del gato de raza.


Todo indica que la raza procede de distintos cruces con "Shulamith", una gata callejera de pelo largo y orejas curvadas que encontraron casualmente en 1981 unos criadores de California. La CFA reconoció la raza en el año 1991 y la FIFE en el 2002.


El American Curl es un gato cariñoso y apacible. Su gran inteligencia lo convierte en un animal encantador y divertido, de gran tolerancia a otros animales y fácil convivencia en familia. 
Se adaptan bien a cualquier espacio aunque agradecerán accesos al exterior.

AspectoAmerican Curl

El American Curl es inconfundible por sus orejas curvadas hacia atrás.
Suelen ser animales de tamaño mediano, conservan el tono macizo adquirido de los primeros cruces con gatos Maine Coon. Cabeza en forma de cuña, orejas con característica curvatura hacia atrás y rematadas con penachos de pelo que asoman desde el interior. Cola larga y emplumada. En cuanto al pelaje, se pueden distinguir dos variedades; semilargo y corto aunque es más habitual el primero. Admite todas las tonalidades excepto el chocolate y canela con toda su gama.

Cuidados específicos

El American Curl no necesita una atención especial, bastaría con cepillarlo frecuentemente para evitar que el pelo se le anude especialmente en los ejemplares de pelaje semilargo. Las orejas requieren una limpieza frecuente, suele acumularse serosidad en la estrecha base debido a la curvatura característica.


El American Curl suele ser un gato robusto y sano. En los ejemplares de pelo largo se podrían presentar casos de tricobezoares (bolas de pelo en el aparato digestivo) fácilmente tratables con alguna solución a base de aceite de parafina.



Angora Turco

Información básica

  • Tipo: tamaño mediano
  • Cabeza: pequeña a mediana, triangular
  • Ojos: grandes almendrados, ligeramente oblicuos hacia arriba
  • Cuerpo: largo, de huesos finos, grupa algo más alta que las paletillas, patas finas y largas
  • Cola: larga en proporción con el cuerpo, ancha en la base y estrecha en la punta, muy peluda
  • Pelaje: semilargo, pelo fino con brillo sedoso, carece de pelusa lanosa
  • Colores: se aceptan todos los colores, incluyendo todas las variedades con blanco, a excepción del factor Burmés y los colores chocolate, lila, canela y fawn. El color blanco es el más apreciado.


El Angora Turco, a decir de muchos entendidos, podría ser la raza felina más antigua y origen de muchas de las actuales. Lo cierto es que, de estos bellos animales, ya se tiene constancia en varios países del Oriente Próximo desde tiempos Bizantinos. Como anécdota; la leyenda de que el fundador de la Turquía moderna, Mustafa Kemal Atatürk, regresará al mundo de los vivos reencarnándose en un Angora Turco.


El Angora Turco es originario de Turquía. Su difusión entre los países vecinos empezó entre los siglos X y XII fomentada especialmente por el gran tráfico de mercaderes. A Occidente, sin embargo, no llegaría hasta el siglo XVI, una vez más, de la mano de comerciantes; ingleses y franceses. La raza empezó a ganar protagonismo entre la nobleza de la época y hoy en día sigue siendo una de las más apreciadas. La raza se oficializó en los años setenta, tanto en USA como en Europa.


El Angora Turco es un gato independiente y temperamental aunque se mostrará habitualmente  dócil y cariñoso. Se trata de un gato muy inteligente y juguetón, le encantará entretenerse con pequeñas pelotas. Con un poco de práctica, será capaz de devolvérnoslas si se las lanzamos, adoptando un comportamiento más propio de un perro. 
Se adaptará bien a cualquier entorno siempre que disponga de total movimiento. Con los niños suelen comportarse muy pacientemente.


Angora TurcoEl Angora Turco es un gato mediano, elegante y musculoso.  La cabeza es más bien pequeña y triangular. Las orejas son grandes y puntiagudas. Respecto a los ojos; son grandes y ovalados en cualquier color o dispares. Poseen un pelaje semilargo, de textura muy sedosa y sin pelusa lanosa. A los machos adultos se les suele formar un abundante collar. En cuanto a los colores; el más apreciado es el blanco aunque se admiten todas las tonalidades excepto el factor Burmés y los colores chocolate, lila, fawn y canela.

Cuidados específicos

El Angora Turco no necesitará un cuidado demasiado exhaustivo, tan sólo cepillados esporádicos. Su larga cabellera nunca se apelmaza al no poseer pelusa lanosa.


El Angora Turco suele ser un gato sano y longevo. En los ejemplares blancos existe riesgo de sordera congénita, especialmente en los ejemplares de ojos dorados y dispares. Debido al largor de su pelaje, también se podrían presentar casos de tricobezoares (bolas de pelo en el aparato digestivo), fácilmente tratables con alguna solución a base de aceite de parafina.




Cuidados básicos

Las mascotas pueden ser un foco de contagio. Pero unos cuidados básicos de higiene y salud bastan para evitarlo. La desparasitación, vacunación y control veterinario son las principales medidas a tener en cuenta.

Sin embargo, cuando hablamos de gatos viene a la mente la toxoplasmosis. Se trata de una enfermedad infecciosa, que en general no es grave para la mayoría de la población pero que puede tener graves consecuencias en embarazadas, ya que el parásito circula en la sangre y puede llegar a la placenta.

El contagio no se produce por estar en contacto con un gato. Para que ellos representen algún riesgo, el animal debe contraer la enfermedad. Esto ocurre normalmente cuando come carne cruda (que alguien le da o de algún roedor o ave que él mismo haya cazado). Es decir, si el gato vive en un departamento, sin salir a la calle y sin terraza, la posibilidad de que se enferme es mínima.

Sin embargo, el contacto con la materia fecal del gato también es vía de contagio. “El gato puede eliminar oosquistes (una especie de huevos no maduros) en la materia fecal, que luego de 24 o 48 horas maduran en el ambiente y se vuelven infecciosos. Los gatos sólo eliminan ooquistes entre las cuatro semanas y los cuatro meses de vida, luego no, excepto que presenten una baja en la inmunidad”, aclara el médico veterinario Gustavo Bartella, docente de Histología y Embriología de la Facultad de Ciencias Veterinarias de la Universidad de Buenos Aires.

¿Cómo prevenir el contagio? “Se deben remover todos los días las heces o materia fecal de la mascota. Y si se los alimenta con carne, hay que cocinarla muy bien”, dice Bartella







Nombre común

Gato doméstico
Nombre científico (género y especie)
Felis catus
Descripción del animal
El cuerpo de un gato doméstico es extremadamente flexible, su esqueleto está formado por más de 230 huesos, su pelvis y hombros están unidos a la espina dorsal con más holgura que en la mayoría de los cuadrúpedos. La cola le da estabilidad cuando salta o cae.

Las garras del gato están diseñadas para capturar y sujetar a su presa. Las uñas, afiladas, curvas y retráctiles, están enfundadas en una almohadilla suave y curtida al final de cada uno de los dedos de las patas, las cuales, saca para pelear.

Tipo de alimentación (herbívoro, carnívoro, omnívoro, etc.)
Tipo de reproducción sexual (ovípara o vivípara)
Numero de crías
En cada camada pueden tener hasta 4 crías, el periodo de gestación es de 63 a 65 días. Los gatitos nacen con los ojos cerrados, mismos que abren a los 8 ó 10 días de edad.
Numero de reproducciones al año
Aproximadamente, 5 veces en un año.
Duración de vida
15 años.
Descripción breve de su comportamiento

Los gatos domésticos dependen del ser humano para su cuidado y alimentación; requieren una atención considerable; expresan su cariño y necesidades por medio de ronroneos y movimientos de su cola.

Es paciente, hábil para cazar y muy inteligente, pero a veces es altanero y soberbio.

Medio dónde habita (acuático o terrestre)
Tipo de ecosistema dónde se encuentra
En todos, excepto en la tundra.
Distribución geográfica de la especie
En todo el planeta, menos en los polos norte y sur.
Características del medio físico (luz, temperatura, humedad, salinidad, altitud, etc.)
Se han logrado adaptar a diversos estilos de vida, ya sea en nuestro hogar o en cualquier otro lugar. Es nocturno y busca el calor huyendo de temperaturas bajas.
Mecanismos de adaptación
Primero adapta su conducta a cualquier estilo de vida que se le presente, eliminando plagas de roedores y proporcionando compañía al hombre.
Nivel trófico (consumidor primario, secundario o terciario)
Consumidor secundario.
Categoría de protección o estatus (rara, amenazada, en peligro de extinción, extinta, sujeta a protección especial, etc.)
Es una especie que no tiene ninguna protección, es abundante en muchas partes del mundo.
Factores que provocan que se encuentre en esta categoría
No existen factores de riesgo, la especie todavía es muy abundante.
Acciones que podemos tomar para la conservación de esta especie
Los gatos no tienen problemas de estar en peligro de extinción, ya que sus únicos depredadores son los canes y los humanos, que los aniquilan debido a que por ignorancia se cree que son de mala suerte.
El gato es el cazador perfecto, ya que son capaces de acabar con otros seres. Tiene sus sentidos desarrollados casi al 100%.

En una ocasión, una gata embarazada se fue de la casa durante la inundación pasada, dos semanas después, cuando la creímos muerta, regresó a dar a luz.

Una vez en la colonia del Coloso, en una de esas casitas de infonavit, había dos gatas, una se llamaba Nieve y la otra Cindy y siempre andaban juntas. 
Ahí vivía la señora Francis a quien le gustaban mucho los animalitos y siempre les daba de comer. 
Un día Cindy tuvo a sus gatitos y los quería meter a la casa de la señora pero ella no la dejó. Pasaron algunos meses y la otra gatita, Nieve, tuvo sus crías y también hizo lo mismo: las metió a la casa de la señora Francis, pero esta vez ella no la sacó y dejó que metiera a sus gatitos; incluso la acomodó y le puso un cartón para que durmieran ahí, pero la gatita siempre los quitaba de donde los acomodaba la señora y los ponía en otro lugar más escondido. 
Una tarde, la señora encontró a un gatito muerto y se puso triste. En otra ocasión cuando llegó de su trabajo se encontró con que Cindy (a la que no dejó entrar con sus gatos) había matado al gatito de Nieve. La señora se preguntaba por qué había hecho eso si ambas se llevaban bien, pero se puso a reflexionar y sacó como conclusión que quizá la gatita se puso celosa porque no había dejado entrar a sus gatitos y a los de la otra sí.

Esto es algo verídico ya que pasó hace algunos meses en la casa de la familia Campos Ríos.

Con esta investigación hemos aprendido los distintos comportamientos del gato en diferentes situaciones. Ahora ya sabemos cómo es el cuerpo de un gato, cómo funciona y cómo reacciona a los diferentes peligros. Podemos convivir con ellos de una forma muy respetuosa y especial.


Fotogalería: Inicio


con qué animales está emparentado el gato?

león (28)

tigre (13)

guepardo (11)

lince (11)

con todos los anteriores (27)

Votos totales: 90



Adoptarías a un gato?

si (18)

no (12)

no sé (29)

Votos totales: 59


¿Puede un gato vivir toda su vida en el interior de una casa?

si (18)

no (18)

no sé (29)

Votos totales: 65


cuantos dedos tiene un gato?

18 (19)

100 (15)

ninguno (35)

Votos totales: 69

curiosidades sobre los gatos

Los gatos pueden percibir olores con la boca

Además de hacerlo con la nariz, los gatos huelen con un órgano, llamado de Jacobson, situado en la parte superior de la boca.

La leyenda de las 7 vidas

Se debe a que muchas veces llegan a sobrevivir a caídas realmente graves, esto se debe a la maravillosa capacidad que tienen de darse vuelta en el aire y aterrizar en cuatro patas. Se dice que algunos gatos que han caído de pisos bajos, no lograron una caída "perfecta" debido a la rápida...

Los gatos ven a colores. Sin embargo, el número que perciben es limitado y depende de la cantidad de luz

Por esto, durante la noche ven a blanco y negro, pero distinguen mejor los objetos y las distancias.

Cada gato tiene su propio maullido y ronroneo

Pueden que dos gatos tengan un ronroneo parecido, pero a pesar de todo siempre existe alguna diferencia.

Lo gatos también tienen estrés

Los gatos tienen estrés, la forma en la que se liberan de ello es arañar objetos en posición vertical, así se relajan porque ese estiramiento activa su circulación sanguínea y tonifica su cuerpo gracias al estiramiento que se produce.
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